I’ve spent most of my life in my comfort zone. I am not the type of person who takes risks or is spontaneous. People often poke fun at my lack of spontaneity.  It is extremely hard for me to do anything that is not planned first. When I do choose to be “spontaneous” (I put that in quotes because my definition of spontaneous is far from what it really means, haha!) I get super anxious and my mind has a hard time adjusting to trips or ideas that are not planned out first. I often get anxious when I do small things like call someone I don’t know on the phone. I often feel like I am going to puke when I start something new. Taking risks always feels extremely overwhelming, 100% of the time I feel unequipped or inadequate. I hate feeling weak, vulnerable or insecure, yet this is the exact place where God shows His strength. I often find myself hiding in my comfort zone, but that is not where God works miracles. Often I want to witness a miracle, but don’t want to be in a situation where I am in need of one.

I always thought playing it safe was where I wanted to be. I wanted to go through life without any failures or struggles. When I stayed in my comfort zone I didn’t have to be afraid to fail. I didn’t have to feel uncomfortable or nervous. I often longed for more and  wanted things out of my comfort zone, but never thought I was capable of reaching them. It wasn’t until God took hold of my life that I started learning a new way. God has completely flipped my life upside down. He reminds me that if I want change in my life, I cannot keep making the same choices. If I want something different, I’m going to have to “step out of the boat." I am often reminded that a life surrendered to God is no cake walk, it will require strength that I do not have. I've never been a strong person, so good thing God promises to be my strength! There has never been a time I stepped out in faith that I wasn't terrified, but at the same time, there was never a time that God didn't equip me with what I needed. He is always right there whispering, "You can do it Kara, don't give up. Focus on me and I will equip you and give you strength!"

Often people want to see God at work in their lives, but they never step out of the boat. In order to witness God's miraculous power, you will have to take a step of faith. It wasn’t until I stepped out in faith for the first time that I saw what God could do in my life. I often doubted the existence of God (even as a christian). There were days I wondered if the “God stuff” was actually real. It wasn’t until I stepped out in faith that I started really believing. It was when I was most vulnerable and weak, that I found God. It was in the midst of the chaos, the tears, and the fear, that I experienced God in a real and authentic way. In these moments, He gave me what I needed and was my strength to keep pushing forward. I felt His presence and often heard Him through scripture and in prayer.  I still cannot believe it, it still leaves me in awe, but it was God, He was really there!

When Jesus told Peter to come to Him on the water, peter acted in faith by stepping out of the boat. This made it possible for Peter to witness God's power and strength. Peter had his complete focus on God initially, but in time Peter started focusing on the waves and the storm around him, so he sank. When we focus on our obstacles or our inadequacies (which is easy to do) our pursuit or obstacle may seem impossible, so we sink. When we have our focus on God and allow Him to lead us, nothing is impossible, He keeps us walking on water!

Lets Go Deeper

*What brings you the most fear? Is fear stopping you from taking a step of faith?
*Are you letting God lead or is there something or someone that has taken the place of God's leading in your life?
[examples: fear, guilt, emotions, friends, family, money, etc] 
*Take sometime to pray. Where is God leading you to take a step of faith?
*Do you want change in your life? In what area of your life could you ask God to help you make different choices?

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