
I’ve struggled with loneliness my whole life. I’ve never had a specific reason to feel lonely, but sometimes it just sets in. There is never any rhyme or reason. I’ve felt lonely in relationships, in a crowded room, and even at a party or a get together. Loneliness does not always mean lack of people or lack of relationships.  It can set in at anytime. I know I will never conquer loneliness in my lifetime. It won’t be until heaven that I’m finally free from it, but that doesn’t mean I have to let it consume me. 
Recently I’ve experienced God’s power when it comes to my loneliness. In the past I didn't go to Him because I didn’t know how. I didn’t know how to connect enough for Him to help soothe my loneliness. To be honest even if I did know how to connect with Him I didn’t actually think He could satisfy that need. I would always seek out friends, my husband, my kids, I would seek out anyone but God to fill the void. Unfortunately that was a mistake on my part. 

No matter how much someone wanted to help me in my loneliness, only God could fill that void. In time I realized I had too high of expectations for my family and friends. I expected them to make me feel less lonely. When there company or words didn’t help, I would blame them. Not outwardly, I never said it to their face, but deep down I unknowingly set expectations that they could never fill . No human being can fill that void. God is the only one who can bring you comfort when you are lonely.

 I used to just tolerated the loneliness knowing at some point it would go away, I would settle for the mental funk that would consume me or the depression that would set in. I would sulk in my own loneliness and usually cry myself to sleep. I’ve learned that I don’t have to live like that. God can be my comfort and strength when I am lonely. Loneliness stems from being disconnected and craving closeness or intimacy with God. We will never feel the intimacy that we crave here on Earth, but that doesn’t mean we should make that an excuse not to go to God with our loneliness. I’ve been slowly learning how to go to God instead of other people. We were made to be in relationship with God . We all crave that intimacy. Go to go Him in your loneliness, humble yourself enough to admit that you need His help. Read His truth through scripture. I know it isn’t the quick fix that the world tries to sell you, but it’s much more fulfilling!  Don’t run to things like shopping, food, drinking, drugs, or relationships, instead….. RUN TO GOD! 

Isaiah 43:2-5 
When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.
For I am the Lord, your God