Be a Light

I used to be a skeptic about a lot of spiritual things. The one thing I could never wrap my mind around was God's presence in peoples lives. I just couldn't get myself to believe it. If you can't see it, why would you believe it. Unfortunately that was what I thought. As my relationship with God grew, He began to change my perspective. I slowly got to a point where I could no longer deny the power and presence of God in my life. God is always present, but the moments I am made aware of His presence, still leaves me in awe. It’s usually the “weird coincidences” or the things I can’t explain, where I see God at work! 

It was an unlikely place to have an hour long conversation with someone I barley knew, but I guess that's how God works. It was at the gym a few days ago where I sparked up conversation with one of the guys I see there occasionally. Somehow we started talking about our faith. I had no idea he was a believer. We had known each other for a couple years, but we didn't know each other well. I was in my thirties and a mom and he was a college student. We didn't have a whole lot in common, or so we thought. 

We started up a simple conversation as we were getting ready to leave the gym. He had said a few things that were kind of deep. They made me wonder about what he believed, so I just asked him if he was spiritual. That prompted him to say yes, kind of. He admitted to being a deep thinker and that he was struggling with some of his deeper thoughts and some of his doubts. I could empathize with him. I struggled for most of my life with doubt and confusion about the purpose of life and if the “God stuff” was real. We had so many similar thoughts and experiences that we found ourselves laughing at all the odd "coincidences". We were able to share about our faith and speak truth to each other. It was such an encouraging conversation! We both agreed our conversation wasn't coincidence, but was God at work. There was no denying the power of that conversation. 

It can sometimes feel lonely as a Christian. There are a lot of people that either don’t believe what you believe or don’t want to talk about spiritual things. Not being able to talk about your deeper thoughts can make you feel alone. I was able to to relate to the loneliness my friend was experiencing in college. Ten years ago, I felt the same way. My heart sincerely hurt for him. I could almost feel his pain because I struggled with the same thing. We both talked about our struggles and were able to encourage each other. He was very intelligent and was very educated in science. He talked about how he had tried so hard to believe in atheism, but couldn't get himself to believe there was no spiritual realm. The many years he spent trying to prove there was no God, resulted in him growing closer to God.  He soon came to the conclusion science proves the existence of God. That it was impossible for God not to exist. What an amazing God and what an empowering conversation.

I learned from this experience to never underestimate how much your kind words, love, and encouragement can impact someone else. It can be a lonely and dark world sometimes. It is so important to be a light to others by encouraging them, being kind, and most of all showing them love. You won’t always be aware that someone is hurting or struggling, but God knows. Remain sensitive to His promptings. I prayed before I walked into the gym that day. It was just a quick prayer and I didn’t think much of it, but that day God answered my prayer. He was present with me when I felt a little nudge to ask a person I barely knew about his faith. I could have ignored the prompting from God or missed it completely, but I am grateful God gave me the strength to start that conversation. I was not only blessed, but because of God I was able to be a blessing to someone else.  Don’t ever underestimate what God can do through you! Kind words, love or encouragement might be exactly what someone is in need of. You could be their blessing!

Matthew 5:14
You are the light of the world - Like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

John 13:34-35
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.

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