I am Yours

I love basketball, it is definitely a passion of mine. I got serious about basketball in high school. When that happened, I didn't get involved in many other activities. When I did, they didn’t last long, all I wanted to do was play basketball. I would play all day if I could. When I was younger, I would sneak into the gym at night and play under the emergency lights. I even befriended the janitors so they could get me into the gym after hours. I was obsessed. I unintentionally found myself putting my whole identity in basketball. When I decided to stop playing college basketball, you can probably guess what happened. I lost my identity. Without basketball, I didn't know who I was anymore. I was lost. Losing my identity broke me and as a result depression set in.  

 It is dangerous to put your worth and identity in anything but Christ. Before I understood Christianity and before I found Christ, I put my identity in anything I thought would bring me fulfillment, love, acceptance, and worth. I wanted to be known, I wanted to be loved and accepted, I wanted fulfillment. Although the world might promise these things, it will never follow through. The world deceives. There are so many things in this world that will promise you happiness, fulfillment, worth and joy, but they only satisfy temporarily. There is money, an awesome career, friends, popularity, a big house, losing weight, beauty, a boyfriend, a husband. I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. These things can be good, but when you obsess over them, put them above God, or put your value in them, they will always let you down.   

 We all have an emptiness inside of us that needs to be filled. We were born that way. We are children of God and we were made to worship and have a relationship with Him. Seeking to fill the emptiness with anything, but God, will leave you dissatisfied and always longing for more. I know this, because I’ve lived most of my life chasing after things that left me empty. I tried to fill the emptiness with so many things. It started with basketball, but I tried filling the emptiness with money, boyfriends, different hobbies, popularity, fitting in with the crowd, trying to attain beauty or a “perfect body”. It all left me dissatisfied. The pursuit seemed so exciting at first and I loved the challenge. I would work so hard to attain these things, but when I would finally reach the end goal, it was not all I thought it would be. The world tells you when you finally get that dream job, reach that weight goal, find the perfect husband, that you will be happy or find fulfillment, but that’s just not true. I attained many of the things I chased after, but nothing ever filled me. I was always looking for better or chasing after more. 

 I wanted more beauty, I was never pretty enough. I wanted a better body, my body was never skinny enough. I wanted more money, there was never a dollar amount that made me feel satisfied. Nothing was ever good enough, until I found Christ. He was what I was longing for and I didn’t even realize it. When I began my relationship with Christ things started to change. I started seeing myself differently. I was the daughter of the King. In God’s eyes, I was enough, I had worth and I felt loved. I slowly stopped caring about the money I attained. Money started losing its value. I used to obsess over it, but after finding Christ, money no longer had power over me. I started feeling comfortable in my own skin. I felt beautiful for the first time in my life. I might not measure up to societies standards, but to God I was enough. I started realizing there was no one else I needed to be accountable to other than God. I stopped trying to find acceptance and love from others, but started to find my acceptance and love from God. My identity was getting stronger, who I was, was becoming more obvious. I was the daughter of the most amazing King. I no longer had to search, I had found what I was looking for!    

There is no better choice than to put your identity in Christ. He doesn’t look at what you’ve accomplished or what you have done wrong. He loves you just as you are. That’s the best part. You don’t have to impress God. You can come to Him in your brokenness and in your mess, with all of your flaws and all of your sin and He still loves you.  He loves humanity, it’s His creation. He is always waiting for His people to come to Him and He never turns anyone away!  

Luke 12:6-7
"what is the price of five sparrows-two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows."

Zephaniah 3:17
For the Lord your God is living among you
He is a mighty savior
He will take delight in you with gladness
With his love, he will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.

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